Wednesday, January 12, 2011


These are images from a tri fold square brochure  we did for a ministry. The side (front,back,etc. ) are labeled in white at the top of each image. 

Announcements & Event Promotions

Sermon Branding: God On Speed Dial

This was the main image for a sermon series about communicating with God, called "God on Speed Dial."

They wanted a mostly blank image to put the sermon bullet points and scripture references on for the keynote/powerpoint on Sunday mornings. So, we used an iphone screen to correspond with the main image for the series.

Email Marketing

(Below the image, there were links to the facebook page & website)

This was an email we designed for a church's young adults group which had been on winter break. It's important not to be too wordy in email marketing, but to rather have a few key pieces of information and attention getting graphics. This template was a copy from a retail store's email that the 20/30 leaders wanted to replicate.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Gospel

The front of an invitation card to a series on the gospel for a young adults group.

Kingdom Finances

A Financial Series called Kingdom Finances