Monday, October 4, 2010

The Gospel

The front of an invitation card to a series on the gospel for a young adults group.

Kingdom Finances

A Financial Series called Kingdom Finances

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sermon Branding: No Greater Love

Sermon branding is what we categorize the marketing efforts around one sermon series. These efforts reflect a small marketing campaign.

First, we start with 3 sample mock ups to reflect different ways to implement the concept the church wants to convey.

  1.  Here are the 3 samples given to Grace Church for their Fall 2010 series, No Greater Love.

A. Fairy Tale concept. The idea that  your love can still have a happy ending.
B. Humor Concept. This concept would have used humor draw attention to the relationship series.

C. Vintage Couple. 

This was the concept chosen & was my favorite!

2. Once the style/concept is chosen, then we implement it into the chosen medias for marketing. See below for the graphics and photos of the actual medias (mailers, invite cards, magazine ad, keynote design and banners)

A. Mailers
We selected the geographical areas that we wanted to receive the mailers with the direct mail company. They allowed us to pick and choose which mail routes were most important to us.

Mailer Front

Photo of Mailer Front & Back.
Back included sermon titles, dates, map, & contact information. Having your website listed is always important so that people can scope out your church & beliefs if they are interested in coming. Your website should be user friendly and accurately portrays who you are and what you believe.

B. Invite Cards
These are small business card size invites given to church attendees encouraging them to invite friends to the series.



C. Magazine ad
We placed an ad in a local magazine instead of the newspaper because of the demographic this church targets is more of 20-45 demo & newspaper stats lean more toward 50+ So, choosing a local publication for a monthly was a better match. Plus, it's monthly which means our ad would be out for a month instead of a few days such as in a newspaper.

Magazine Cover

Print Ad

Photo of ad

D. Keynote (sermon power point)
Sermon branding doesn't stop at advertising. Good marketing continues in the details through the end. We used the same design from the mailer for the title page and created a simple, coordinating look for the slides for the text.

Keynote Title Page

Keynote Text Page

Photo of Title Page

Photos of Title Page

E. Banners
We printed 2 banners for the front lobby. We wanted to let guests know this was a sermon series not a life group so we mentioned "each Sunday at 9 & 11" as well as the dates.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Announcements & Event Promotions

Below are some designs for announcements. This church used them for an image reinforcement during their Sunday morning verbal and/or video announcements, on the website to promote upcoming events, facebook, and throughout the church in "jonny ads" (bathroom ads), and on select displays throughout the church. Once the design is created your church can use them in multiple ways for promoting an event.

(From this point on, you can click the label at the bottom of the post to find what you are looking for more easily. For example, this post contains: Announcements and Event Promotions.)

This wasn't a Sunday announcement but an image used for prayer alters sent via email.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Women's Ministry: Events

Marketing: Phone Book Ad Designs

Grace opted for smaller phone book ads this year to use money in other medias, so, a simple ad was needed. The phone book only allowed blue, black, and white for this size of ad.

Make It Your Problem Sermon Series

3 options for the church to choose from based on their 3 week series, Make It Your Problem.

This was my favorite

This was the chosen design

You Were Born For This Sermon Series

Sermon Series: You Were Born For This
The series was on faith/belief/miracles. I wanted the design to represent this with credibility rather than looking mystical.